What Are Virgin Plastics?

Milan Djordjevich
2 min readJan 19, 2023


Passionate about everything basketball, Milan Djordjevich was a member of the basketball teams at Libertyville High School and later at East Carolina University, where he graduated with a bachelor of science in chemistry. He was later hired as an assistant basketball coach at Loyola University and became one of the country’s top recruiters. Milan Djordjevich is now the president and owner of MD Plastics, where he sells recycled and virgin plastics.

Virgin plastic is a polymer in its pure form without any fillers, such as glass and carbon, and is a natural resin from a petrochemical source, such as non-processed natural gas or crude oil. Most polymers add compounds such as carbon and others to impart mechanical and chemical properties.

Virgin plastics do not contain any additives, impurities, or recycled materials. For this reason, virgin plastic tends to be expensive. Still, top brands are willing to pay big bucks due to various products’ high strength, durability, and flexibility and adapt to different design processes.

Due to the pure form and lack of additives, virgin plastics do not contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a coating that scientists and health experts attribute to adverse health effects when ingested via water bottles and food containers. However, virgin plastics are non-biodegradable and usually take many years to break down due to their complex structure.



Milan Djordjevich

Springfield Mo. Sales Leader Milan Djordjevich